I don't know what you think this looks like. But while attending to my ahem, needs, during class break, I made the assumption is was some sort of button to flush the toilet. In this building, the toilets are distinctly un western squatters, which is what I was doing when I looked around to figure out to flush. Well the thing had an arrow pointing down, so I pushed it, and immediately all hell broke loose. A grating alarm started blaring all through the entire building. Seriously, like GET OUT NOW! GET OUT NOW! SAVE YOURSELVES! I was stunned, embarrassed and completely puzzled. Why would anyone put a fire alarm in a toilet stall? "I think you pushed the wrong button' said Zi, one of my students who was in the ladies room as well. The kindly Taiwanese assured me that it was no problem, all the while the alarm is going full blast. No one seemedto be paying much attention to it, My students just chuckled. and Chenlin, who has been patiently shepherding me through these two weeks explained that foreigners do this often. I expressed dismay that I had caused everyone to have to evacuate the building while the fire department came, which was met with puzzlement. Oh no, said Chenlin. That button makes a noise to scare away peeping toms, it isn't a fire alarm at all. So I don't know if it made me feel better or not to know that.