UCCT is the community theatre of Universe City. Universe City is a lively college town in the middle of rural Pamelapolis, home to Confidence United Central University , affectionately known as CUCU to its rabidly dedicated students and alums. The Cuckoos, its scrappy football team, is helmed by legendary Coach Hiram (HiWay) Waylons, CUCU's long time President, Reilly Smart, is really smart, AND a world champion riddler.
NOTE: any resemblance to any other college town with a football team coached by a legend,and a president who could entertain on America's Got Talent is strictly in your mind. PLAY BY PLAY is a series of six dinner- radio plays being produced this year by the UCCT and its members! Your tickets qualify you for immediate denizenship both in UCCT and the Pamelapolis. |